The listings below highlight research and contributions by UW Pediatrics faculty. These listings are not intended as a citation but rather a call-out of UW Pediatrics contributions. For official authorship please click the publication link provided.
March 2024
- IP6 and PF74 affect HIV-1 Capsid Stability through Modulation of Hexamer-Hexamer Tilt Angle Preference (PMID: 38559213). bioRxiv.
UW Peds contributing authors: Bruce Torbett Immunology - Prenatal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure and asthma at age 8-9 years in a multi-site longitudinal study (PMID: 38454435). Environmental Health.
UW Peds contributing authors: Sheela Sathyanarayana, Catherine Karr General Pediatrics - The Current State of Neonatal Neurodevelopmental Follow-up Programs in North America: A Children's Hospitals Neonatal Consortium Report (PMID: 38458236). Am J Perinatol.
UW Peds contributing authors: Robert DiGeronimo, Ulrike Mietzsch Neonatology - A Snapshot of Chronic Critical Illness in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PMID: 38571989). Journal of pediatric intensive care.
UW Peds contributing authors: Elliott M Weiss Bioethics and Palliative Care - Associations of prenatal ambient air pollution exposures with asthma in middle childhood (PMID: 38460460). International Journal of Hygiene and Public Health.
UW Peds contributing authors: Sheela Sathyanarayana, Catherine Karr General Pediatrics - Prevalence and correlates of paediatric guideline non-adherence for initial empirical care in six low and middle-income settings: a hospital-based cross-sectional study (PMID: 38458789). BMJ Open.
UW Peds contributing authors: Donna Denno General Pediatrics - Acquired hypothalamic obesity: A clinical overview and update (PMID: 38450938). Diabetes Obes Metab ..
UW Peds contributing authors: Christian Roth Endocrinology - Looking beyond year 1 in the molecular era of pediatric brain tumor diagnosis: confirmatory testing of germline variants found on tumor sequencing (PMID: 38511139). Frontiers in oncology.
UW Peds contributing authors: Brittany L Greene, Michelle A Ting , Natalie Waligorski, Bonnie L Cole , Christina M Lockwood, Vera A Paulson, Jillian G Buchan, Amy Lee, Jeffrey G Ojemann, Richard G Ellenbogen, Jeffrey Stevens, Sarah E S Leary Bioethics and Palliative Care - Improving post-concussion discharge education for families seeking emergency department care: intervention development (PMID: 38441083). Brain Injury.
UW Peds contributing authors: Emily Kroshus, Casey Lion, Brian Saelens General Pediatrics - Experiences and preferences for learning about neonatal research: insights from parent interviews (PMID: 38001157). Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association.
UW Peds contributing authors: Elliott Mark Weiss, Kathryn M Porter , Ellie Oslin, Mihai Puia-Dumitrescu, Benjamin S Wilfond Bioethics and Palliative Care - Parental Refusals of Blood Transfusions from COVID-19 Vaccinated Donors for Children Needing Cardiac Surgery (PMID: 38661995). Narrative inquiry in bioethics.
UW Peds contributing authors: Daniel H Kim, Emily Berkman, Jonna D Clark, Douglas S Diekema, Mithya Lewis-Newby Bioethics and Palliative Care - Strategies for Improving Vaccine Communication and Uptake (PMID: 38404211). Pediatrics.
UW Peds contributing authors: Doug Opel General Pediatrics - Strategies for Improving Vaccine Communication and Uptake (PMID: 38404211 ). Pediatrics. .
UW Peds contributing authors: Douglas J Opel, Douglas S Diekema, Bioethics and Palliative Care
February 2024
- The IFIH1-A946T risk variant promotes diabetes in a sex-dependent manner (PMID: 38487540). Frontiers in Immunology.
UW Peds contributing authors: Eric Allenspach, Kathleen J. Millen, David Rawlings Immunology - Promoting a neuropalliative care approach in fetal neurology. (PMID: 38664159). Semin Fetal Neonatal Med ..
UW Peds contributing authors: Jori F Bogetz Bioethics and Palliative Care - Cytomegalovirus Cell-mediated Immunity Assays in Pediatric Transplantation (PMID: NA). Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
UW Peds contributing authors: Surabhi Vora Infectious Disease - Cranial Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Neonatal Providers: A Feasibility Study (PMID: 38404126). J Ultrasound Med.
UW Peds contributing authors: Sarah Kolnik, Thomas Wood, Kendell German, Mihai Puia-Dumitrescu, Ulrike Mietzsch, Janessa Law Neonatology - A tale of many neighborhoods: Latent profile analysis to derive a national neighborhood typology for the US (PMID: 38408408). Health & Place.
UW Peds contributing authors: Brian Saelens General Pediatrics - The Kids Are Not Alright: The Mental Health Toll of Environmental Injustice (PMID: 38394006). The American Journal of Bioethics.
UW Peds contributing authors: Mollie Grow General Pediatrics - The Community Health Response Team: a culturally and linguistically tailored community response to COVID-19 addressing barriers to testing and vaccinations for refugee, immigrant and migrant communities in Atlanta, Georgia (PMID: 38463164). Frontiers in Public Health.
UW Peds contributing authors: Elizabeth Dawson-Hahn General Pediatrics - Project nature: promoting outdoor physical activity in children via primary care (PMID: 38395776). BMC Primary Care.
UW Peds contributing authors: Georgia Griffin, Emily Kroshus, Pooja Tandon General Pediatrics - Current Validated Clinical and Patient Reported Disease Outcome Measures in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (PMID: 37841510). Open Access Rheumatology.
UW Peds contributing authors: Erin Balay-Dustrude, Susan Shenoi Rheumatology - Genetic and Congenital Anomalies in Infants With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (PMID: 38518503). Pediatr Neurol..
UW Peds contributing authors: Dennis Mayock, Ulrike Mietzsch, Sandra Juul Neonatology - An Introduction to Bayesian Spatial Smoothing Methods for Disease Mapping: Modeling County Firearm Suicide Mortality Rates (PMID: 38375682). American Journal of Epidemiology.
UW Peds contributing authors: Alice M Ellyson General Pediatrics - Immunological signatures unveiled by integrative systems vaccinology characterization of dengue vaccination trials and natural infection. (PMID: 38444851). Frontiers in Immunology.
UW Peds contributing authors: Hans Ochs Immunology