The University of Washington Department of Pediatrics JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Committee is committed to championing equity in all forms (including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status, disability, age, religion, and history of immigration/displacement) for the faculty and staff of our department. Additionally, we are committed to advancing anti-racist actions and policies within our department and for the communities that we serve.
We acknowledge that structures of racism, inequity, bias, and privilege exist within our department, and we commit to the investigation and disruption of these.
Strategic Aims
- COMMUNITY BUILDING: Building a community of support and inclusive environment for diverse and underrepresented faculty members and staff in the UW Department of Pediatrics
- TRAINING & SYSTEMIC CHANGE: Promoting equity and antiracism through training and systemic change including the development and support of policies, curricular, and educational initiatives.
- RECRUITMENT & RETAINMENT: Prioritizing recruitment and retention of underrepresented and diverse faculty members.
- MENTORSHIP: Promoting mentorship and sponsorship of medical trainees, particularly those from underrepresented or other minoritized identities.
The committee is chaired by Dr. Sabreen Akhter. The JEDI Committee’s work is sanctioned and supported by executive sponsors: Dr. Leslie Walker, Dr. Richard Shugerman, and Dr. Jason Deen. Our members span the breadth of the Department, from every division and the SCRI including faculty, fellows, and staff. All in the Department (particularly those who identify as URiM, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, or who hold other minoritized identities) are encouraged to join the committee to take part in social events, quarterly meetings, and subcommittee work to advance our strategic priorities. Contact Dr. Sabreen Akhter for further inquiries.
The University of Washington Department of Pediatrics strives to support medical residents, fellows, and faculty who wish to attend conferences relevant to their histories and identities. The following are examples of some conferences that would qualify for budgetary support if a resident, fellow, or faculty wished to attend for the purposes of education, research dissemination, networking, or community building.
- Student National Medical Association AMEC Conference
- Latino Medical Student Association National Conference:
- Q-Forward Conference
- Association of Native American Medical Students: Held during yearly AAP NCE
- Asian Pacific American Medical Association National Conference
- American Medical Women's Association National Meeting
- Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers North American Refugee health Conference
- Women in Medicine Summit
- National Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly
The following list of resources are continuously updated and are available to faculty in the UW Department of Pediatrics. These should be reviewed during faculty recruitment and at annual review meetings.
- SURF (Success for URM faculty) (career development program) through the UW OHCE
- National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) institutional membership through UW
- UWSOM Resources for Women Faculty
- UWSOM Rising Leaders (leadership evelopment program)
- CMFA (Committee for Minority Faculty Advancement)
- Faculty involvement in UW NURF (Network of Underrepresented Residents and Fellows),
- Diversity and Inclusion Seed Grants,
- Mentorship through UW DFAD (Doctor for a Day)
- Affinity groups/caucuses through UW
- UW EDI Foundational Trainings
- UW Professional Development Opportunities
- UW Office of Faculty Advancement, including information on faculty recruitment initiatives and retention incentives
- Thrivecast (UWSOM podcast on thriving professionally in your careers
- Clime resources for Teaching For Equity And Social Justice
- Bias Reporting Tool
- BIPOC Physicians Directory for UWSOM BIPOC Students opt-in
- UWSOM Office of Healthcare Equity for DEI Foundational Trainings and other resources
- UW HR DEI page for policies, trainings, and other resources
- UW Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity
- UW Diversity Council with the UW Diversity Blueprint
- UW Office of Graduate Student Equity and Excellence
- UW Advance Center for Institutional Change for advancing woman-identifying faculty, including resources for recruitment, retention, mentoring, professional development, and interrupting bias in the search process
- UWSOM Race and Equity Initiative
- UW Department of Pediatrics
- JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Committee
- Physician Leadership Development Program
- JFMP (Junior Faculty Mentorship Program)
- QI Scholars Program
- Certificate Program in Patient Quality and Safety
- Seminars (funding available through the UW Dept of Peds for spots for each seminar):
- Health Equity Rounds
- Faculty involvement in the Residency Diversity Committee
- CHERRPT (Child Health Equity Research Program for Post-doctoral Trainees)
- GATHER (Generate and Teach Health Equity Routinely) EDI-focused MOC
- INCLUDE curriculum (EDI-focused resident curriculum)
- Seattle Children’s Hospital
- JEDI at the UW Pediatric Residency
- Health Equity Consultations service
- Various Inclusion Networks
- SCH Health Equity and Anti-racism Action Plan (HEAR)
- Peds Pride
- mentorship of URiM students/researchers
- Various MOC opportunities:
- GATHER (Generate and Teach Health Equity Routinely) MOC
- Project ECHO (caring for gender diverse youth) MOC
- Equity-focused quality improvement MOC
- CDHE-funded research grants (the Mentored Scholars Grant, the Seed Research Grant, and the Fellows and Residents’ Health Equity Grant)
- Observership opportunities for undergraduate or medical students
- Post-doctoral research opportunities
- Educational offerings from the Center for Diversity and Health Equity (CDHE)- Lunch ‘n Learn, Works in Progress, and Anti-Racism Discussion Series
- Seattle Children’s Research Institute
- RARC (Research Anti-Racism Committee)
- Excellence in Research New Investigator Award
- Summer Scholars Research Program (mentorship of URiM undergraduates in research)