Visiting Professors

The Visiting Professor Program is a highly valued benefit for the WWAMI Pediatric training sites. Visiting Professors are faculty members from Seattle Children’s Hospital or the University of Washington Medical Center who are specialized in pediatrics and visit our pediatric training sites.

The key elements of a pediatric training site VP visit include:

  • Clinical Update in the VPs area of expertise
  • Faculty Development (teaching, assessment, feedback)
  • Student Case Discussion (presented by the student)
  • Pre-planned patient consultation in VPs area of expertise (if appropriate)
  • Social Event

The Pediatric WWAMI Program recruits Visiting Professors based on the pediatric training site requests. A Visiting Professor is typically requested by the training site based on their population, emerging changes in medicine, and the needs of the providers in the clinic. These requests include clinicians from a broad variety of subspecialties.

Both the Visiting Professor and the training site are asked to evaluate the Visiting Professor experience. Past evaluations highlight how helpful the program is to the clinical site and how rewarding the visit is to the larger community through Grand Rounds presentations. The Visiting Professor will present at least one talk in their area of expertise and may review cases while at the training site.

If you have questions or are interested in hosting a Visiting Professor, please contact My Linh Nguyen, WWAMI Program Coordinator at or (206) 987-5869.