

The Division of Cardiology is based at Seattle Children’s and provides both outpatient and inpatient consultation and management services for pediatric patients with cardiovascular disorders. Clinical and basic research are ongoing, with laboratory investigation leading to improvement in our understanding of how the immature heart uses oxygen and other fuels, mechanisms of action in the pathophysiology of Kawasaki disease, drug therapy in Marfan syndrome and pulmonary hypertension, innovations in interventional cardiac catheterization, among others.

Clinical Programs

The Division of Cardiology is based at Seattle Children’s and provides both outpatient and inpatient consultation and management services for pediatric patients with cardiovascular disorders. Cardiovascular services at Seattle Children’s operate under the umbrella of Seattle Children’s Heart Center and include:

Outpatient Services

Diagnostic and follow-up care
Seattle Clinic - based at Seattle Children’s
Regional Clinics - Bellevue, Everett, Federal Way, Olympia, Tri-Cities
Outreach Clinics - Multiple sites in Washington, Montana and Alaska

Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories

Advanced non-surgical treatment
Diagnostic Catheterization
Interventional (Therapeutic) Catheterization Procedures


Arrhythmia diagnosis and treatment
Electrocardiograms (ECG’s)
24 Hour Holter Monitoring
Cardiac Event Monitoring
Tilt testing
Stress testing
Pacemaker Implantation and Monitoring
Transcatheter Ablation Therapy
Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Testing


Comprehensive ultrasound evaluation
Transthoracic Echocardiography
Transesophogeal Echocardiography
Fetal Echocardiography (within the Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment Program)
Stress Echocardiography
Echocardiographic Telemedicine

Cardiac Intensive Care

Pediatric cardiac intensive care team
24 Hour intensive care for cardiac surgical and cardiology patients

Cardiovascular Surgical Services

Early, one-stage corrective surgery
Neonatal Open and Closed Heart Procedures
Pediatric Open and Closed Heart Procedures

Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program

Seattle Children’s Outpatient Services
UWMC Outpatient Services
UWMC Inpatient Consultation

Research Programs

Basic research in our laboratory continues to improve understanding of how the immature heart uses oxygen and other fuels. This knowledge will help us to develop strategies to protect the heart during and after surgery for congenital heart disease.

Myocardial energy metabolism and myocardial protection continue as the primary research endeavors within the Cardiology Division. Basic laboratory research focuses on the signals, which communicate to the cell’s energy factory, the mitochondrion, during increases in heart work. Thyroid hormone levels decrease after artificially induced stresses such as cardiac surgery. Protocols involving supplementation of thyroid hormones after cardiac surgery in infants have begun to show the importance thyroid hormone balance after cardiopulmonary bypass. Thus, research in our experimental laboratory now complements clinical research at Seattle Children’s.

We also have a number of outcomes research projects. These include a multicenter study of adult congenital heart disease, an NIH-sponsored drug trial in patients with Marfan syndrome, and studies associated with the post-natal outcomes after the prenatal diagnosis of specific cardiac anomalies. We participate in multicenter trials surrounding patients with pulmonary hypertension, and are an international leader in device trials in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.

Training Programs

The pediatric cardiology fellowship program currently consists of two fellows per year.

For more information, please visit the Cardiology Fellowship page.

Division Chief

Mark Lewin, MD

Professor Division Chief

Associate Division Chief

Jack Salerno, MD

Associate Division Chief Professor


Erin Albers, MD, MSCI

Associate Professor

Bhawna Arya, MD

Associate Professor

Nicholas Brown, MD

Assistant Professor

Connie Choi - No picture available

Connie Choi, MD

Assistant Professor

Terrence Chun, MD

Associate Professor

Jessica Colyer, MD

Clinical Associate Professor

Jeff Conwell, MD

Associate Professor

Jason F. Deen, MD

Associate Professor Vice Chair for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Matthew D Files, MD

Associate Professor

Joshua M Friedland-Little, MD

Associate Professor

Roberto Giancarlo Gallotti, MD

Assistant Professor

Christina Hartje-Dunn, MD

Assistant Professor

Borah J Hong, MD

Associate Professor

Troy A. Johnston, MD

Associate Professor Director of Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Interim Director, Pediatric Residency Program

Samuel Keller, MD

Assistant Professor

Mariska S Kemna, MD

Associate Professor

Yuk M. Law, MD


Dolena Ledee, PhD

Research Assistant Professor

Mark Lewin, MD

Professor Division Chief

Lisa A Maves

Assistant Professor

Carol McFarland, MD

Assistant Professor

Brian Morray, MD

Associate Professor

Vishal Nigam, MD

Associate Professor

Aaron K. Olson, MD

Associate Professor

Andrea Otero Luna, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Agustin Eduardo Rubio, MD

Clinical Associate Professor

Jack Salerno, MD

Associate Division Chief Professor

Brian Soriano, MD

Associate Professor

Matthew Studer, MD

Clinical Associate Professor

Margaret Macmillan Vernon, MD

Associate Professor

Joshua D Weldin, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Bethany Wisotzkey, MD

Associate Professor


Cammie Bullock

Program Management Specialist

Contact Information

Seattle Children’s Hospital
4800 Sand Point Way NE
Box 359300; MS RC.2.820
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 987-2015

University of Washington
Health Sciences, RR541
Box 365320
Seattle, WA 98195-5320
(206) 543-3186