Site Directors Guide

Site Directors serves as the WWAMI site representative of the Pediatric WWAMI Program, a part of the University of Washington School of Medicine and the Department of Pediatrics. Site Directors are the center of communication between the site educators, residents or students and the Seattle Leadership.

Our program has four kinds of Site Directors:

  • Resident Site Directors- Educating and mentoring 2nd year Pediatric residents for an eight week rotation
  • Medical Student Site Directors – Educating and mentoring Clinical and Explore and Focus Phase medical students during their clinical years. Six week required rotations for Clinical Phase students and two or four week rotations for Explore and Focus Phase students.
  • WWAMI's Rural Integrated Training Experience (WRITE) program for Clinical Phase medical students doing a 20 week rural program during their required clinical education.
  • Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC), a clinical phase year of required rotations integrated into the Olympia, WA geographical area where students meet all of their required clinical phase rotations simultaneously.

Each type of director is responsible for communicating with the WWAMI Pediatric program and to assist with site specific details. Additional responsibilities include annual Clinical faculty, collecting evaluations and submitting final evaluations for the trainee. Highlighting areas to highlight those who go above and beyond in their teaching, precepting and keeping the program running as smoothly and effectively as possible and contacting WWAMI Seattle leadership with questions, concerns or other matters.

The site director is the main point of contact for the Seattle Pediatric Leadership.