Scheduling your core pediatrics clerkship:

During your second year of medical school is a great time to explore whether you like caring for children. You can do this through a preceptorship or participation in the Pediatric Interest Group.

The practice of Pediatrics involves addressing the health needs of children. Every child should have the opportunity to grow and develop to achieve his or her maximum potential; the job of the Pediatrician is to assist in that process by treating and preventing illness, guiding children and their families toward good health choices, and offering information and interventions that support the overall well-being of the child.

Goals of the core pediatric clerkship: Provide foundational skills and knowledge about the fundamental issues of health and illness relevant to the care of children.

A detailed description of the current requirements and clerkship materials can be found here.




# of Students

Seattle, WA

  • 3 wks. inpatient at Seattle Children’s Hospital
  • 3 wks. outpatient at HMC, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic or Roosevelt Clinic

residents, fellows, subspecialists, hospitalists

10 students

Mary Bridge, Tacoma, WA

  • 4 wks. inpatient at Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital
  • 2 wks. outpatient practices, subspecialty clinics

FM residents, subspecialists, hospitalists

3—4 students

Madigan Army Medical Center, Fort Lewis, WA

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient clinics mix

Pediatric residents, fellows, subspecialists

2 students (none Summer Quarter)

Spokane, WA

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient practices mix

FM residents, subspecialists, hospitalists

2-3 students

Anchorage, AK

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient practices mix

FM residents, subspecialists

3 students

Pocatello, ID

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice

Pediatric resident

1 students

Great Falls, MT

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice


2 students

Cheyenne, WY

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice

FM residents, subspecialists

1 student

Billings, MT

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient practices mix

FM residents, subspecialists

1 student

Boise, ID

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient practices mix

FM residents, subspecialists

1 student

Missoula, MT

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient practices mix

subspecialists, hospitalists

1 student

Wenatchee, WA

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice


1 student

Jackson, WY

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice


1 student

Moses Lake, WA

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient mixed practice

Subspecialists, Family Medicine

1 student

Centralia/Olympia, WA

Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC)

FM residents, subspecialists

1 student

Helena, MT

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice


1 student

Bozeman, MT

wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice


1 student

Idaho Falls, ID

6 wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice

residents, subspecialists

1 student

Everett, WA

3 weeks inpatient 3 weeks outpatient


1 student

Lewiston, MT 6wks. inpatient/outpatient single practice subspecialists 1 student