Career Advising

Questions to Ask your Career Advisor

We have created a series of questions to help you make the most of your career advisor’s time (and your time too!). These questions provide structure to help you get the information you need and the help that is most appropriate for your situation.  Before you meet with your career advisor, think about, and be prepared to discuss:

  1. Your academic record–note any fails, problems passing/taking boards, problems in clerkships. Know the distribution of grades in clerkships.
  2. What part of the country you want to live in for the next few years (these shapes where most people apply to).
  3. Specific questions about programs you already are interested in.
  4. The application timeline and your schedule.

Questions to ask:

  1. How competitive is my record?
  2. How best may I highlight activities in my resume?
  3. How many program applications do I need to secure 12 interviews?
  4. Can you suggest programs where I should consider applying?
  5. Have I made enough time in my clinical schedule for interviewing?
  6. Will you be able to review and edit my personal statement?
  7. Can you think of other people that I should ask for letters of recommendation?

In addition, make sure you clarify any part of the application process you are not sure about (letters of recommendation, personal statement, ERAS–you will have a session about this with Academic Affairs).

Make sure you are completely transparent about your academic record (any fails, problems with boards, expansions, etc.) and specific issues that will help shape where you apply (e.g. family/partner in one city, specific interests, etc.).

Let us know if you are applying to more than one specialty.

Plan a follow up with your advisor (by email/phone or in person).

We are happy to answer additional questions, look at programs you are thinking about and read your personal statement.

It is OK to talk to more than one person! You should talk to faculty and residents as you do your rotations, other career advisors who you know... all the information should be reinforcing, and the more information you have the better off you will be!

Our job is to help you match into a residency program that will be a good educational and professional fit for you.

Applicants to participating residency programs are encouraged to complete both the MyERAS application and the supplemental application. The two applications contain different information. All sections and questions with the supplemental ERAS application are optional. Starting with the March 2023 Match, this is an opportunity to signal five programs preferentially with tokens.