Visit this link: https://uwnetid.washington.edu/newid/. Make sure to have your Personal Access Code (PAC) and your Employee ID (EID) handy.

How do I get a Personal Access Code (PAC)?

Your PAC is assigned when you are first appointed to the University and is sent to you via email with your appointment letter. If it expires before you create your UW NetID, contact the UW Technology Service Center at (206) 221-5000.

How do I get my Employee ID Number (EID)?

Your EID and temporary password will be emailed to you with your appointment letter. If you have submitted you application packet, and have not heard back, contact medical.students@seattlechildrens.org. You may also contact your site director, regional office or the office of Clinical Affairs at the University.

If you already have your UW NetID, log on to MyUW and enter your password again. You will land on the Employee Self-Service page and your EID is listed there.

How do I access HealthLinks?

Log on with your University of Washington Network Identification, UWNetID.

What benefits are included with a clinical faculty appointment?

Click on this link to see benefits.

Do I get an ID card (Husky Card)?

ID cards are issued with new appointments only if the instructor is working outside of King, Snohomish or Pierce Counties in Washington State.

If working within King, Pierce or Snohomish Counties, obtain a picture ID at one of the following locations:

  • Seattle Campus - Ground floor of Odegaard Library, (206) 543-7222
  • Bothell Campus - Campus Security Offices, LB2-005, (425) 352-5359
  • Tacoma Campus - Registrar's Office, GWP 102, (253) 692-4400

Additional information regarding Identification (Husky) cards can be found through the Housing and Food Services Employee ID FAQ.

Should I get a renewal sticker for my ID card?

No. The employee validation stickers are no longer being produced. The expired sticker does not make your card invalid. The card can continue to be used.