Promotion guidelines and timeline

Promotion Guidelines

Clinical Faculty promotions occur once each academic year. The Clinical Faculty rank is designated according to qualifications and service to the Department of Pediatrics. To be proposed for promotion, you must meet the requirements of the next rank.

Every year a preliminary request is sent to sites, regional offices and the program director to review the current clinical faculty that may be eligible for promotion. A request will be sent to each proposed clinical faculty member requesting documents for promotion. All promotion documentation is required to be returned to our office, with the appropriate letters of recommendation, by the specified promotion deadline. See general dates below.

Please talk with your Site Coordinator or Regional Dean to discuss promotion and the criteria required to begin the promotion process.

Promotion Timeline

Clinical Faculty Promotions occur once each academic year.

September | October:

Sites, regional offices and the program director review the current clinical faculty that may be eligible for promotion.

October | December:

Recommendations are reviewed to ensure each faculty member has met the criteria for promotion to the next rank.

Proposed clinical faculty will need to prepare a promotion packet. Promotion packets require:

  • Current UW formatted CV
  • Letter of recommendation from your site director
  • A second letter of recommendation is required from a local colleague of equal or higher rank
  • If your proposed promotion is to Clinical Associate Professor or Clinical Professor, the recommendation letter will be written by the WWAMI Director

Send the completed packet to the relevant regional administrator for your site.

The WWAMI Program office will attach a letter of recommendation for the proposed promotion level of Clinical Associate Professor or Clinical Professor from the Program Director, and will forward your packet to the promotions committee for review and voting.


The promotions committee will review, approve, or deny promotions. Approved applications are sent to the University of Washington for approval and recording.


Faculty will be notified of their promotion by email and letter which will be sent to the address on record. Promotion effective dates are based on the academic year.