Clinical Phase Career Advising

During your third year you should be assessing whether you like working with kids and parents on each rotation you complete. Through this process you will figure out if working with kids as a pediatrician, medicine-pediatric physician or family physician is for you.

Some helpful questions:

Do I like talking to parents about their kids' health and illnesses?
Am I comfortable talking to and examining kids?
Am I interested in the types of problems/issues children have?
Do I look forward to going to the clinic/hospital when I am taking care of kids?

If you are considering a career in Pediatrics or Medicine-Pediatrics you should talk to the clerkship site director about your interests. They can provide real world perspectives about what their career is like. Also, if you are working with residents, talk to them about how they made their decisions.

Formal career advising assignments will be made on a rolling basis in Winter/Spring of the third year.

If you have questions about career advising or Explore and Focus scheduling, contact the Pediatric Medical Student Program (

You should also take a look at the timeline to help you get an idea of the bigger picture of the residency application process.