Career Development

UW Faculty Development is a collaborative effort involving various offices and units, including the Office of Academic Personnel, ADVANCE center, the Office of Faculty Advancement, and schools and colleges throughout the University. UW Pediatrics, along with our unit partners, foster a culture of lifelong learning and growth through various programs, seminars, and educational resources so that faculty remain at the forefront of innovation and research. 


Early Career Faculty Coaching Program

Assists early career faculty in developing an academic career strategy by reflecting on their values and goals with the goal of improving their performance and career trajectory.

Early Research Career Resources and Opportunities

Research career development resources and opportunities available through SCRI, UW, and ITHS.

Photo of a masked medical worker sitting at a computer.

Pediatrics Early Career Development Support (PEDS) Program

This department program is designed to support career development and peer support to early career faculty who recently joined our community.

Faculty Promotion & 2nd Term Reappointment

Find information, instructions, and forms to assist in preparing promotion dossier.

Career Development Resources

Educator Development 

  • PAS Annual Meeting - Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting connects leading pediatric researchers, clinicians, and medical educators worldwide with the common mission: to advance scientific discovery and promote innovation in a child and adolescent health. 
  • AAP Annual Meeting - The American Academy of Pediatrics is a leader in developing world class innovative education sessions. Every year thousands attend, present and learn about the latest advances in Pediatric care at the National Conference & Exhibition. Learn more about this year’s conference. 
  • Office of Academic Personal (OAP) - offers valuable information for all current academic personnel, incoming, and newly hired staff.
  • UW Medicine Faculty Affairs Programs - The Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) offers a variety of workshops (half and fullday) and seminars for faculty. 
  • The Center for Learning and Innovation in Medical Education (CLIME) team focuses on educator development. 
  • Career Advancement at UW School of Medicine  - The Office of Faculty Affairs has resources to help you grow in your career whether you want to be a better teacher, need support for your growing research career, want to build new skills to increase efficiency or are contemplating a new leadership role. Their page is updated regularly to include new resources. 
  • SCRI Seminars - Find upcoming seminars and events at SCRI in the latest edition of iKnow or see collated seminars.
  • Pediatric WWAMI Leadership - The WWAMI Program leadership is located at Seattle Children's Hospital. 
  • Educational Resources for Healthcare Professionals - Seattle Children’s offers a wide range of educational programs for healthcare professionals including continuing medical education and continuing nursing education (CME and CNE), conferences and training courses, Grand Rounds, and medical observations.


  • Peer Support – UW Peer to Peer Network - Offers a peer supporter that will listen to concerns and offer support. These volunteers are trained to provide one-on-one confidential emotional support as well as referral to other support organizations. 
  • Wellbeing and Support  - Find information on the programs and initiatives born from collaborations across UW Medicine with the goal of making this a place where you can learn, grow, and thrive.
  • Self-Care & caring for others  - UW provides employees with various self-care options among fitness at work, counseling and mental health resources, ergonomic work information. 
  • The Washington Employee Assistance Program  - (WA EAP) supports PEBB-eligible University of Washington employees and their household members to help identify and resolve personal concerns to promote individual and workplace wellbeing.
  • Connect Program - seeks to optimize the experience of giving and receiving care at Seattle Children's. Learn about why and how the CONNECT Program was created and see about joining one of their workshops as well as 1:1 coaching, and consultation. 
  • Washington Physicians Health Program -  an independent, physician-led, nonprofit organizational providing support to Washington’s health professional workforce. Visit the WPHP website to learn more about the program and services.