Local Opportunities for Early Career Investigators

Below are research career development resources and opportunities available through Seattle Children's Research Institute (SCRI), University of Washington (UW), and the Institute for Translational Health Sciences (ITHS).  The list is non-exhaustive but provides the most relevant local opportunities. 

Note: B=bench, basic research; P=clinical and population health.

SCRI-Wide Mentored Career Development Awards
Award Offered Support Application Track
SCRI Career Development Award (CDA)

Up to 3 years. 

Open to all at SCRI.

Min. 75% FTE effort, $100k salary support, $25k supplies/year Next RFA: April application due; October start B,P
SCRI Excellence in Research Award Up to 3 years. Focused on underrepresented SCRI scientists Min. 75% FTE effort, $100k salary support, $25k supplies/year No application. Discuss with Center Director regarding feasibility B,P
SCRI Center for Diversity and Health Equity (CDHE) Mentored Scholars Grant

2 years.

Early SCRI career faculty and postdoc fellows transitioning to faculty positions who meet NIH def. for under-represented populations

$100k/year Next RFA: Opens December 2023 for FY25 cycle B,P


SCRI Center-Specific Mentored Career Development Awards
Award Offered Support Track
SCRI CCTR: Clinical Research Scholars Program (CRSP)

2 years.

Open to CCTR, BTCCCR, or CRBT members

Standard path (clinician-scholar, clinician-clinician): Minimum 30% FTE (10% CCTR, 20% protected time from division/dept/SCH) and salary plus fringe and $10k/yr for research/career development

Intensive path (generally physician-scientist track):
Minimum 50% FTE (25% CCTR, 25% match from division/dept/SCH) and salary plus fringe per year and $20k/yr for research/career development
SCRI CCHBD: Center for Child Health Behavior and Development Mentored Scholars Program 

2 years.

CHBD-affiliated junior faculty who wish to pursue careers in clinical or outcomes research in pediatrics.

$25k in salary and fringe; matched by scholar’s division or department + $15k research funds (10k CCHBD, $5k division/department) P
NIH-funded Mentored Career Development Awards
Award Offered Support Application Track

3 years. 

Translational research from basic science to population health.  UW Medicine, Social Work, Nursing, Public Health and More and WWAMI wide


Minimum of 75% of salary (up to $85k/yr), + $25k research funds/yr and $2.5k/yr for travel

Supplements to ITHS KL2

2-3 years.

Topic/discipline specific KL2 supplements

Some NIH programs (e.g., NCCIH, INCLUDE) support additional scholar KL2 positions.


ITHS announces opportunities.

Rolling, similar support as ITHS KL2

UW Pediatric and Reproductive Environmental Health Scholars K12 Program

2-3 years. 

For clinically trained scientists who will gain expertise in environmental health

About $20K for project funds.  Min 75% FTE, provides salary support and associated fringe benefits Contact: Sheela Sathyanarayana, Catherine Karr  P
NIH Awards Varies Mentored K Awards include K01, K07, K08, K23, K25, and K99/R00   B,P


Other Career Development Opportunities
Award Offered Support Application Track
NIH Diversity Supplements Can be attached to NIH awards, including R01 and similar awards. Varies See: SCRI's NIH Diversity Supplements Connections Program and ITHS Hub for Diversity Supplements B,P
Re-Entry & Re-Integration Supplements (ITHS and other NIH funded centers) Supplements to existing NIH awards for scientists who have experiences at least 6 months of full or partial interruption in their careers for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances Varies   B,P
NIH Loan Repayment Program Designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers Up to $50k annually in return for commitment to engage in NIH mission-relevant research   B,P
Kaiser CATALyST Award Health Services oriented   Not currently accepting applications. P
Pre-K Career Development Awards

T32 (or equivalent based) with SCRI / UW Department of Pediatrics Faculty

Pilot / Project Funds

Seattle Children's Research Institute:

Check with your SCRI Center for Additional Pilot Awards

UW and ITHS:

  • UW Royalty Research Funds (non-SCRI investigators) (P,B) - $40k must apply through UW
  • ITHS Pilot Awards (P,B) • $50k, 1-year, new interdisciplinary academic partnerships (P,B) - $50k, 1-year, academic community partnerships (P,B)
  • ITHS Catalyst & Resource Voucher (P,B) - $3k-5k considered quarterly for research coordination services, bioethics consultations, statistical support, etc.
Workshops and Feedback

Courses & Grant Writing

  • Nature Masterclasses (SCRI) (B,P ) - 1-8+ hour on-demand courses on early career topics (grant/manuscript writing, science communication, etc).  Available to SCRI Investigators (institutional subscription); not via UW.
  • Dept of Pediatrics Grant writing course for basic scientists, K or R award(B) - Annual course focused on grant writing for basic/bench scientists, Available to UW Department of Pediatrics Faculty.  Contact: Patrick Lennon.
  • ITHS Clinical Grant Writing Course via Dept. of Pediatrics, K or R award (P)  -  Offered in the fall through UW School of Medicine for UW, Hutch, Seattle Children’s, and WWAMI Region (tuition may be required). 12-week interactive course that leads to grant • Contact: Larry Kessler and Annette Fitzpatrick

ITHS Workshops and Feedback

ITHS has many offerings for career development. Below are a few highlights.


Peer Groups and Coaching

Peer Groups

  • Department of Pediatrics Junior Faculty Mentoring Program (B,P) - Workshops and peer mentor discussion groups for junior faculty. Contact: Faisal Malik, Director.
  • SCRI K Club (B,P) -  Early Career Faculty Club. Co-Chairs: See Wan Tham, Ben Gern. Contact: kclubadmin@seattlechildrens.org
  • SCRI M Club (B,P) - Mid-Career Faculty Club. Co-Chairs: Pooja Tandon, Emily Law, Sara Vora.  Contact: mclubadmin@seattlechildrens.org 
  • UW SoM Success for Underrepresented Faculty (SURF) Program (B,P) - Year-long program that covers topics important to early career navigation, productivity, mentor and leader relationships and future planning. Participants commit to attend monthly group trainings and monthly 1:1 coaching support in the critical early phases of career development. Designed for mid-career faculty.  Contact: Michelle Terry.
  • ITHS KL2 Seminar Fellows (admission process) (B,P) - Across the translational spectrum (basic to dissemination), UW, WWAMI wide.  Co-led: Christy McKinney, John Amory.  Contact: Christy McKinney.


Local Web Resources

What else do you need?

What programs or resources do you need that you aren’t getting now to support your early research career development? Anything else?  Let us know.  Or provide feedback at katherine.weybright@seattlechildrens.org