Managers: Preparing for New Employees

When hiring a new employee, please complete the following:

Request Computer & Accessories

PEDS IT stocks new standard PC laptops and accessories which are available for rapid deployment as part of the department's Computer Depot Program (CDP). Desktops, Apple and non-standard computing devices may require significant lead time. To request computers or accessories:

Email  Consider whether to request: laptop, dock, monitor, keyboard, mouse, video conferencing equipment (Camera, Headset, Speaker, etc.), software that may requires purchasing.

Have Employee Set Up Email as Soon as Possible 

UW Email for new and returning employees is usually not active by default, or may be forwarded to a private email provider (in the case of returning employees or people who have had any past affiliation with UW).  It’s imperative to verify email is set up and forwarded to UW Office 365 or their email address prior to sending email or meeting invites.

Visit Employee Day 1 Checklist for instructions.

Schedule Computer & Accessory Setup

Send email to with details of on-site work space location.  Please allow lead time for shipping equipment to fully remote employees.

Initiate Pediatrics Systems Access Request

Administrators and supervisors may use the Access Request Form to request access to Pediatrics computing systems for employees.

Send Contact Information for Pediatrics Website Directory

Send email to  Please include the new employee's:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Title
  • Division, Administrative Unit, or Fellowship they are associated with
  • Phone Number
  • Headshot (optional)

Provide Access to Self-Managed Local Resources

Don't forget to grant access to any lab, division, or locally managed resources such as division/lab specific Microsoft Team(s), shared email mailbox, or shared files