Department of Pediatrics Computer Depot Program (CDP)

The Department of Pediatrics Computer Depot Program (CDP) ensures that faculty and staff have access to computing equipment that is current and able to adequately run modern productivity software. The CDP emphasizes mobile computing so workforce members may perform working functions regardless of location.  

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Standard Configurations

Pediatrics IT staff regularly review and select the CDP standard computer options with an emphasis on reliability, ease of use, ease of support, mobility, and durability over a lifetime of normal use. 

The CDP offers a choice of standard PC laptop and Apple MacBook options. Standard models are targeted for replacement every five years. A standard PC laptop is the default for staff unless a MacBook is required by their supervisor. CDP covers the cost of these standard models for eligible faculty and staff. 

We strive to select standards that meet the productivity needs of most workforce members while conforming to University of Washington standards, policies, and management systems.  

Standard Computing Equipment Options 

14" PC Notebook 
(Dell Latitude 7450)

  • 14” 1920x1080 Display (non-touch) 

  • i5 processor 

  • 16GB RAM 

  • 256GB SSD 

  • FHD Webcam 

13" MacBook Air

  • 13” Retina Display (non-touch)

  • M3 Processor 

  • 16GB RAM 

  • 512GB SSD 

  • 720p FaceTime HD Webcam 

14" MacBook Pro
  • 14” Retina Display (non-touch)

  • M3 Processor 

  • 8GB RAM 

  • 512GB SSD 

  • 720p FaceTime HD Webcam 

24" Docking Hub Monitor (1st Monitor) 

  • Docking via USB-C (power and video) 

  • Access to Additional USB on side of 

  • and behind monitor. 

24" Standard Monitor (2nd Monitor) 

  • Connects to 24” Docking Hub Monitor as 2nd display 

Logitech HD Webcam 

  • USB-A Connection 

  • Attaches to 24” Docking Hub Monitor 

Logitech Wired Headset 

  • USB-A Connection 
  • Attaches to 24” Docking Hub Monitor 
Standard Keyboard and Mouse 
  • USB-A Connection 
  • Wireless may be available depending on current stock 
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High-Performance Configurations

We also assist in the selection and procurement of custom high-performance models in cases when the baseline CDP model is not sufficient for your specific needs. Any non-standard configuration is considered a High-Performance configuration. 

Delivery times may be considerably longer than the baseline model because these models are not stocked regularly. Units will be responsible for covering the difference in cost between the baseline model and the high-performance model. The inclusion of a 3-year parts and labor warranty at minimum is required on high-performance configurations to qualify. 

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Optional Monitors and Other Covered Peripherals

CDP provides: 

  • Up to two 24” standard monitors (one with docking capability) when supported by the laptop configuration. Note - the standard configuration MacBook only supports one external monitor.  
  • One standard keyboard and mouse. 
  • One standard wired headset and external camera. 
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The CDP provides faculty and staff with access to an up-to-date, easily supported mobile computer adequate for that person’s every day, work-related computing needs.  CDP fully covers the cost of one standard configuration PC Laptop or Apple MacBook for faculty and staff for UW based divisions and programs, except in situations listed below.  

Computing Purchases Not Covered by CDP

  • Faculty and staff funded by labs, research grants, contracts, and/or externally funded projects should fund new and replacement computer purchases through those activities. Computer expenditures supporting these activities should be included in the funding proposals for these activities. Research Labs are expected to provide their own funding for computing equipment. In cases where funding is insufficient, exceptions to this policy may be considered. 
  • CDP does not fund multiple computers per individual. If more than one computer is needed, you must have funding to cover the full price of the additional computers. Similarly, if you already have a computer purchased with other, non-CDP University funding (e.g., grants, contracts) but wish to have additional computers, those computers must be purchased with alternative funds at full price. 

  • Non-CDP computers must be purchased with alternative funds at full price. Pediatrics IT staff assists in the selection and procurement of these non-standard models.

  • Tablets (iOS and Android) and other peripheral devices are not included in the CDP. 

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  • A CDP purchased computer is in trade for your old computer. If you wish to keep your old computer, you must find funds to cover the full price of the new computer. 
  • All computing devices including tablets purchased with UW funds must be managed using the department’s Computer Management suite of utilities, even if not purchased with CDP funds, ensuring compliance with UW APS 2.6 and UW Medicine security policies.
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Support and Cost Matrix

 CDP StandardCDP High PerformanceNon-CDP
Cost Fully Covered by Dept. IT  
Cost Partially Covered by Dept. IT  
Quick Fulfillment  
Quickly Swapped with like model in case of failure  
Department Contribution100%$1500$0
Unit/Lab Co-Pay$0Remaining Balance100%
Supported by Dept. IT
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