Resident Training Sites

Site and Directors

Bellingham, WA - Jordana Hawkins, MD

Pocatello, ID - Shaun Summerill, MD

Port Angeles, WA - Mildred Bay, MD

Sandpoint, ID - George DelLand, MD

Toppenish, WA - Aaron Grigg, MD

Yakima, WA - Mike Crook, MD

Faculty educators are preceptors that are working with trainees as a mentor, instructor, observer and/or evaluator in the process of a 2nd year resident.

A faculty member should understand and be familiar with the Goals and Objectives of the trainee.

Faculty members of the practice, who are working with residents are required to complete and submit and application for Clinical Faculty Status, if you work with a trainee more than a 3 days a month. All Clinical Faculty appointments come with some benefits of the University of Washington. See Clinical Faculty Section of this website for more information.

Should you have any questions about the goals and Objective, or the evaluation process, please see the Site Director for you location.