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Tara L Wenger, MD, PhD

Genetic Medicine
Professional Bio

Tara Wenger, MD, PhD, is an attending physician at Seattle Children's Hospital and an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine. She completed her combined residency in Pediatrics/Medical Genetics at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


  1. Noble KD, Arndt TL, Nicholson TM, Sletten T, Zamora AD. Different strokes:  Perceptions of social and emotional development among early college entrants.  Journal of Secondary Gifted Education 1999; 10(2): 77-84.
  2. Knopp EA, Arndt TL, Eng KL, Caldwell M, LeBoeuf RC, Deeb SS, O’Brien KD. Murine phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase: cDNA sequence, tissue expression, and mapping.  Mamm Genome 1999; 10(6): 601-605. PMID: 10341094.  
  3. Cole TB, Jampsa RL, Walter BJ, Arndt TL, Richter RJ, Shih DM, Tward A, Lusis A, Jack RM, Costa LG,  Furlong CE. Expression of human paraoxonase (PON1) during development.  Pharmacogenetics 2003; 13(6): 357-364.  PMID: 12777966.
  4. Arndt TL, Stodgell CJ, Rodier PM. The teratology of autism. Int J Dev Neurosci 2005; 23(2-3): 189-199.PMID: 15749245.
  5. Hyman SL, Arndt TL, Rodier PM.  Environmental agents and autism:  Once and future associations.  International Review of Research in Mental Retardation 2005; 30:171-194.
  6. Wenger TL, Harr M, Ricciardi S, Bhoj EJ, Santani A, Adam M, Barnett SS, Ganetzky RA, McDonald-McGinn DM, Battaglia D, Bigoni S, Selicorni A,  Sorge G, Della Monica M, Mari F, Andreucci E, Romano S, Cocchi G, Savasta S, Malbora B, Marangi G, Garavelli L, Zollino M, Zackai EH.  CHARGE-like presentation, craniosynostosis and mild Mowat-Wilson Syndrome diagnosed by recognition of the distinctive facial gestalt in a cohort of 28 new cases.  Am J Med Genet A 2014; 164A(10): 2557-2566. PMID: 25123255.
  7. Wenger TL, Gerdes J, Deardorff MA, Swarr DS, Taub K, Abend N.  Telemedicine for genetic and neurology subspecialty consultation in a neonatal intensive care unit.  J Perinatol 2014; 34(3):234-240. PMID: 24406740; PMCID: PMC3943754.
  8. Wenger TL, Bhoj EJ, Wetmore RA, Bartlett SA, Mennuti M, McDonald-McGinn DM, Zackai EH.  Beare-Stevenson syndrome:  Two new cases including novel finding of tracheal cartilaginous sleeve.  Am J Med Genet A 2015; 167A(4):852-857. PMID: 25706251.
  9. Wenger TL, Chow P, Carapetian S, Birgfeld C, Wrede J, Javid P, King D, Manh V, Hing A, Albers E.  Novel findings of left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy, microform cleft lip and poor vision in a patient with SMC1A-associated Cornelia de Lange syndrome.  Am J Med Genet A 2016; 173(2):414-420. PMID: 28102598.
  10. Tully HM, Wenger TL, Kukull WA, Doherty D, Dobyns WB.  Anatomic patterns associated with post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus among premature infants with intraventricular hemorrhage.  Neurosurg Focus 2016; 41(5):e5. PMID: 27798978; PMCID: PMC5510987.
  11. Wenger TL, Earl D, Chow P, Sanchez-Lara PA.  Role of pediatric geneticists in craniofacial teams: the identification of craniofacial conditions with cancer predisposition.  J Pediatr 2016; 175:216-223 e1. PMID: 27289500.
  12. Wenger TL, Miller JS, DePolo LM, deMarchena AB, Clements CC, Emanuel BS, Zackai EH, McDonald-McGinn DM, Schultz RT.  22q11.2 duplication syndrome:  Elevated rate of autism spectrum disorder and need for medical screening.  Mol Autism 2016; 7:27.  PMID: 27158440; PMCID: PMC 4859984. These authors contributed equally to this manuscript.
  13. Wenger TL, Kao C, McDonald-McGinn DM, Zackai EH, Bailey A, Schultz RT, Morrow BS, Emanuel BS, Hakonarson HH.  The role of mGluR network genes in genetic and environmental forms of syndromic autism spectrum disorder.  Sci Reports 2016; 6:19372. PMID: 26781481; PMCID: PMC4726047.
  14. Wenger TL, Dahl J, Bhoj EJ, Rosen A, McDonald-McGinn DM, Zackai EH, Jacobs IN, Heike CL, Hing AV, Santani A, Inglis A, Sie K, Cunningham ML, Perkins JP.  Tracheal cartilaginous sleeves in syndromic craniosynostosis.  Genet Med 2017 19(1):62-68. PMID: 27228464.
  15. Huisman S, Mulder P, Redeker E, Bader I, Bisgaard A, Brooks A, Cereda A, Cinca C, Clark D, Cormier-Daire V, Deardorff MA, Diderich K, Elting M, van Essen A, Fitzpatrick D, Gervasini C, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Girisha K, Hilhorst-Hofstee Y, Hopman S, Horn D, Isrie M, Jansen S, Kaiser F, Kaur M, Kleefstra T, Krantz I, Lakeman P, Landlust A, Michot C, Moss J, Noon S, Ilaria P, Pie J, Ramos F, Rieubalnd C, Russo S, Selicorni A, Tuerner Z, Vorstenbosch R, Wenger TL, van Balkom I, Piening S, Wierzba J, Hennekam R.  Phenotypes and genotypes in individuals with SMC1A variants.  Am J Med Genet A 2017; 173(8):2108-2125. PMID: 28548707.
  16. Luo M, Fan J, Wenger TL, Harr MH, Racobaldo M, Mulchandani S, Dubbs H, Zackai E, Spinner N, Conlin L.  CMIP haploinsufficiency in two patients with autism and developmental delay.  Am J Med Genet A 2017; 173(8):2101-2107. PMID: 28504353.
  17. Wenger TL, Bhoj EJ.  Contemporary evaluation of the neonate with congenital anomalies.  NeoReviews, 2017; 18(9) e522-3531; koi 10.1542/neo.18-9-e522.
  18. Mundinger G, Skladman R, Wenger TL, Birgfeld C, Gruss J, Hopper R, Ellenbogen R.  Defining and correcting asymmetry in isolated unilateral frontosphenoidal synostosis: Differences in orbital shape, facial scoliosis, and skullbase twist compared to unilateral coronal synostosis.  J Craniofac Surg 2017; ePub date 10/23/2017. PMID: 29065043.
  19. Wenger TL, Li D, Harr MH, Tan WH, Stark Z, Hakonarson H, Bhoj EJ.  Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of TP63-associated disorders including first set of affected monozygotic twins.  Am J Med Genet A 2017; 176(1):75-81. PMID: 29130604.
  20. Clements CC†, Wenger TL†, Zoltowski AR, Bertollo J, Miller JS, de Marchena AB, Mitteer LM, Carey JC, Yerys B, Zackai EH, Emanuel BS, McDonald-McGinn DM, Schultz RT.  Critical region within 22q11.2 linked to higher rate of autism spectrum disorder. Mol Autism 2017; 8:58. These authors contributed equally to this manuscript.
  21. Wenger TL, Gallagher ER, Bhoj EJ.  What we do:  An algorithm for the assessment of facial asymmetry in children with focus on etiology and treatment.  Cleft Palate Craniof J.  2018; ePub ahead of print. PMID: 29750572
  22. Levin MD, Saitta SC, Gripp KW, Wenger TL, Ganesh J, Kalish JM, Epstein MR, Smith R, Czosek RJ, Ware S, Goldenberg P, Myers A, Chatfield K, Gillespie MJ, Zackai EH, Lin AE.  Non-reentrant atrial tachycardia occurs independently of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in RASopathy patients.  Am J Med Genet.  2018 175(8):17111722.  PMID 30055033.
  23. Lee JJ, Wenger TL.  Delayed subaponeurotic fluid collections of infancy.  J Pediatr; 2018, 197:310.  PMID: 29550224.
  24. Mulder PA, Huisman S, Landlust AM, Moss J, SMC1A Consortium, Piening S, Hennekam RC, van Balkom IDC.  Development, behavior and autism in individuals with SMC1A variants.  J Child Psychol Psychiatr.  2018.  Doi:10.1111/jcpp.12979.  PMID 29905864.
  25. Li D, Wenger TL, Seiler C, March ME, Gutierrez-Uzquiza A, Kao C, Bhoj E, Tian L, Rosenbach M, Liu T ,Robinson N, Behr M, Chiavacci R, Hou C, Want T, Bakay M, Pellegrino da Silva R, Perkins JA, Sleiman P, Levine MA, Hicks PJ, Itkin M, Dori Y, Hakonarson H.  Pathogenic variant in EPHB4 results in central conducting lymphatic anomaly.  Hum Mol Genet. 2018.  27 (18), 3233-3245.
  26. Maxey D, Lee A, Wenger TL.  “It’s not the shunt”:  an algorithm for the assessment of other medically actionable causes of vomiting in children with craniofacial conditions.  Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 56 (6): 814-816.  2019.
  27. Wenger TL, Hopper RA, Rosen AM, Cunningham ML, Lee A.  A genotype-specific surgical approach for patients with Pfeiffer syndrome due to W290C pathogenic variant in FGFR2 is associated with improved developmental outcomes and reduced mortality.  Genet Med;  21:471-476.  2019PMID 29915381.
  28. Li D, March ME, Gutierrez-Uzquiza A, Kao C, Swiler C, Pinto E, Matsuoka LS, Battig MR, Bhoj EJ, Wenger TL, Tian L, Robinson N, Wang T, Liu Y, Weinstein BM, Swift M, Jung HM, Kaminski CN, Ciavacci R, Perkins JA, Levine MA, Pleiman PMA, Hicks PJ, Stausbaugh J, Belasco JB, Dori Y, Hakonarson H.  ARAF recurrent mutation causes central conducting lymphatic anomaly treatable with a MEK inhibitor.  Nature Medicine, 25(7):1116-1122.  doi: 10.1038/s41591-019-0479-2.  2019  PMID 31263281. 
  29. Murali CN, McDonald-McGinn DM, Wenger TL, McDougall C, Stroup BM, Sheppard SE, Taylor J, Bartlett SP, Bhoj EJ, Zackai EH, Santani A.  Muenke syndrome:  Medical and surgical comorbidities and long-term management.  Am J Med Genet A.  179(8): 1442-1450.  2019.  doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.61199. PMID 31111620.
  30. Miller DE, Gallagher ER, Chow P, Perkins JP, Wenger TL.  Catel-Manzke without Manzke Dysostosis.   Am J Med Genet, 182(3)437-440.
  31. Burns AM, Ackerman K, Thammasitboon S, Rassbach C, Ward MA, Blankenburg R, Forster CS, McPhillips H, Wenger TL, Powell W, Heyman MB, Hogarty M, Boyer D, Hostetter M, Weiss P, Nguyen S, Parsons DW, Moore DJ, French A, Orange JS.  Fixing the leaky pipeline:  Identifying best practices for physician-scientist training during pediatric residency:  Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting 2019.  Pediatr Res (2020).
  32. Wenger TL, Bly RA, Wu N, Albert CM, Park J, Shieh J, Heike CL, Adam MP, Chang I, Sun A, Miller DE, Beck A, Gupta D, Boos MD, Zackai EH, Everman D, Ganapathi S, Wilson M, Christodoulou J, Zarate YA, Li D, Guimier A, Amiel J, Biesecker L, Hakonarson H, Webster R, Bhoj EJ, Perkins J, Dahl J, Dobyns, WB.  Activating variants in PDGFRB are associated with a spectrum of disorders responsive to imatinib monotherapy.  Am J Med Genet; 182(7): 1576-2591.
  33. Miller DE, Wright J, Bly R, Weiss E, Susarla S, Wenger TL.  Seizures in a neonate.  In press,  Neoreviews.
  34. Chawner SJRA, Doherty JL, Anney R, Antshel KM, Bearden CE, Bernier R, Chung WK, Clements CC, Curran SR, Cuturilo G, Fiksinski AM, Gallagher L, Hanson E, Jacquemont S, Kates WR, Maillard AM, McDonald-McGinn DM, Mihaljevic M, Miller JS, Moss H, Pejovic-Milovancevic M, Schultz RT, Snyder LG, Vorstman JA, Wenger TL, Owen MJ, van den Bree MBM.  A genetics-first approach to dissecting the heterogeneity of autism:  Phenotypic comparison of autism risk copy number variants.  In press, Am J Psychiatr.
  35. Rodier PM, Arndt TL. (2005) The Brain Stem in Autism. In Bauman and Kemper (Eds.), The Neurobiology of Autism, 2nd edition (pp. 136-149). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  36. Wenger TL, McDonald-McGinn D, Zackai EH. (2014) Genetics of common syndromes of the head and neck.  In Elden and Zur (Eds.), Common Syndromes of the Head and Neck. Springer.
  37. Bhoj E, Ahrens-Nicklas R, Wenger TL(2016)  Genetics.  In Shah, S., Zaoutis, L.B., Catallozzi, M., Frank, G. (Eds.) The Philadelphia Guide:  Inpatient Pediatrics.  McGraw Hill Education.
  38. Wenger TL, Hing AH.  (2019) Lymphangiomatosis and Gorham-Stout Disease.  In:  Management of Head and Neck Vascular Anomalies.  In Perkins JA (Eds.) Springer. 
  39. Wenger TL, Hing AV, Evans KN.  Apert syndrome.  GeneReviews.
  40. Seattle Children’s Hospital Craniofacial Center.  (Contributor) “Cleft Lip and Palate:  Critical Elements of Care.”  Washington State Department of Health, Children with Special Health Care Needs Program.
  41. Wenger TL, Evans KN.  FGFR-Associated Craniosynostosis syndromes overview.  GeneReviews. 2020.