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4800 Sand Point Way NE
Box 359300 M/S FA.2.113
Seattle, WA 98105


Megan Mariner Gray, MD

Associated with Fellowship(s)
Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship
Professional Bio

Clinical InterestsThe application of evidence‐based medicine to optimize growth and healing for all infants who require intensive care. She has a focus on maximizing the breastmilk and/or breastfeeding experience for mother baby dyads and preserving early family bonding.

Scholarly Focus: Improving education, communication, and emergency preparedness for all team members in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). She is investigating how interdisciplinary simulation can lead to improvements in clinically relevant outcomes and measures of teamwork. She is the Director of the Neonatal Education and Simulation‐Based Training Program (NEST) where she is investigating how e‐learning and blended learning approaches to speaking up for safety, prenatal counseling, teamwork skills, and resuscitation education. She co‐leads the Organization of Neonatal Training Program Directors (ONTPD) National Curriculum Committee with a focus on innovating the landscape of fellowship education on a national level and is a council member of the ONTPD. She sits on multiple hospital and regional disaster preparedness committees and contributes to policies and research around best practices in responding to large scale emergencies.

Research Funding:

2022-2023            Communicating and Connecting: Implementing and Evaluating a Curriculum on Prenatal Counseling for Residents. Center for Leadership % Innovation in Medical Education Grant. Role: Primary Investigator. Total Award: $5,000.

2021-2022            Identifying Family Factors that Impact Discharge Needs for Neonatal and their Families in Level 4 Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Resident & Fellow Physician Union Northwest Grant. Role: Senior Investigator. Total Award: $1,4000

2021-2023            Antenatal Consult Training in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship. The AAP Section of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Educational Grant. Role: Senior Investigator. Total Award: $4,000

2019‐2023           Patient Safety Learning Laboratory to Enhance the Value and Safety of Neonatal Interfacility Transfers in a Regional Care Network. AHRQ R18 HS027259. Role: Co-Investigator Total award: $2,422,385

Administration/Education RolesDr. Gray is the program director for the Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellowship. She supports resident, fellow, and interdisciplinary education through simulation and other technology‐based platforms. She works as part of the NEST Program to provide education for neonatal care teams within the WWAMI region.