Sandra Juul, MD, PhD
Professor Adjunct Professor of Neuroscience Director, Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD) Director, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC)
Clinical Interests: Optimizing care for the critically ill newborn with a focus on discovering and implementing neuroprotective approaches to care.
Scholarly focus: Dr. Juul's research mission is to improve the neurodevelopmental outcomes of high‐risk neonates. As such, she has focused on developing preclinical models of neonatal brain injury, testing neuroprotective interventions, developing biomarkers of neonatal brain injury, and discerning and maintaining iron sufficiency in the preterm infant. Animal models used or developed in her lab include the Vannucci model of hypoxia ischemia, middle carotid artery occlusion as a model of stroke, novel models of neonatal stress in rodents, a ferret model of preterm encephalopathy, and a nonhuman primate model of perinatal asphyxia. Dr. Juul has been fortunate to translate her bench research on erythropoietin (Epo) neuroprotection to the bedside and was principal investigator of the NIH funded multicenter phase III Preterm Epo Neuroprotection Trial (PENUT; NCT01378273), and multi‐principal investigator of a multicenter phase III of High‐Dose Erythropoietin for Asphyxia and Encephalopathy Trial (HEAL; NCT02811263). She is now funded to explore whether by combining darbepoetin and IV iron treatments, we can avoid most blood transfusions while keeping preterm babies iron sufficient during their NICU stay. Dr. Juul is also an adjunct faculty for the UW graduate program in neuroscience.
Research funding:
2022-2027 NICHD. 1R01HD107003. Trial of Darbepoetin plus slow-release intravenous iron to decrease or eliminate transfusions and iron deficiency in preterm infants. PI: S Juul $2,108,204 direct costs
2020-2025 NICHD. P50 HD103524. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center. PD/PI-Juul S. $6,373,120 direct costs
2022-2023 NINDS. 1R13NS127525-01. 13th Hershey Developmental Brain Injury Conference. PI-S Juul $25,000
2016‐2024 High‐dose Erythropoietin for Asphyxia and Encephalopathy (HEAL) CCC. 1U01NS092764‐ 01A1, NINDS. Sandra Juul, MD, PhD and Yvonne Wu MD, MS, Multi‐PIs. Total Award: $10,100,000
2021‐2026 Repurposing azithromycin for premature brain injury. NICHD R01 HD101422‐02. Role: Co‐ investigator. Total award: $2,087,401.
2018‐2023 HEAL‐EEG – Neurophysiologic measures of Epo treatment for hypoxic‐ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), NINDS. Role: Site PI University Washington School of Medicine, Total Award: $55,716
Administration/Education Roles: Dr. Juul was Division Head from January 2015 to December 2021. During this time, she recruited and hired over 30 faculty members. Nationally, she has been the Chair of the neonatal sub-board of the American Board of Pediatrics (yes, writing exam questions!), a member of the Committee of the Fetus and Newborn and liaison to the AAP Executive Committee, founding member of the Newborn Brain Society, QI and Research Committee, past Chair of the Developmental Brain Disorders NIH study section, and co‐editor of Avery’s Diseases of the Newborn, 10th edition and on the PAS planning committee. She is a sought‐after speaker at National and International meetings. Locally, Dr. Juul participates in the research education of undergraduate students, residents, and fellows in her lab, as well as the clinical education of pediatric residents and neonatology fellows. She was also a long-time member of the promotions committee, and Associate Director of the IHDD Strategic Planning Committee, Coordinator, Central Nervous System Injury Collaborative Research. Dr. Juul is now director of the Institute on Human Development and Disability and holds the vision of a world where people with developmental disabilities can live, learn, work, and enjoy their lives with their families and friends in their own communities.