Diabetes in School Health (DiSH) - Washington

What is DiSH?

Diabetes in School Health (DiSH) is a free monthly school diabetes health telementoring educational program for school nurses and school health personnel who care for students with diabetes. The program was started at the University of Wisconsin in 2020 by Dr. Allison Pollock and expanded to Washington in 2021, with the goal of improving diabetes care in schools by encouraging pediatric diabetes experts and school nurses to connect and learn together.

Each DiSH session will have a 10-15 minute talk by a pediatric diabetes expert followed by 45-50 minutes of discussion of de-identified cases and questions to promote collaborative learning between school personnel in communities across the state.

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Live sessions

DiSH-Washington Sessions occur on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 3pm Pacific. 

Clock-hours are available ONLY if you preregister through pdEnroller.

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DiSH flier