![UW pediatric team visited Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. The picture shows Maneesh, Amelie, Emily, Leslie and Suzinne in front of the hospital. The team met with partners at the Dept of Paediatrics.](/sites/default/files/2024/1a.png)
Dr. Leslie Walker-Harding and several other members of UW Pediatrics recently returned from their trip to Kenya. They visited the site for the REACH Pathway Program, which is designed to address child health needs by integrating public health, community partnerships, and advocacy.
The program aims to understand and influence the factors that affect child health and health disparities at the community level. Residents apply for the REACH Pathway during their intern year and complete four months of the dedicated curriculum during their R2 and R3 years. The R3 months focus on community health in Toppenish, Washington, or global community health in Kisii, Kenya.
Dr Walker-Harding also presented a plaque to Dr. Oimeke Mariita, the CEO of the Kisii Teaching and Research Hospital (KTRH), showing our deep gratitude for 15 years of partnership supporting the CHEP program (Child Health and Education Program) also known in Seattle as our REACH program.
Far left: Hon Ronald Gideon Nyakweba-County Executive Committee(CEC)-Health (Minister of Health), 2nd left(behind CEC): Dr. Richard Onkware- County Director, Public Health and Sanitation, 3rd left: Dr. Oimeke Mariita: CEO, KTRH, 4th left(behind CEO): Dr. Matiko Giabe- County Director, Medical services, 5th: Ms Gladys Aming'a Chief Officer-Health