University of Washington Pediatric Fellowship Global Health Track


Dr. Trehan presents on Child Mortality

Provide pediatric  trainees with improved understanding about key pediatric global health topics and scholarly mentorship to prepare for an academic career in global health.


The Global Health Track will be available to all pediatric subspecialty fellows. Although first year fellows are welcome to join, the two-year program targets second and third year fellows who have more schedule flexibility and protected time for scholarly work. Interested fellows should obtain approval from their program directors and mentors, and then meet with members of the Global Health Track leadership team to determine enrollment. Fellows must commit to the track by August of their second year of fellowship.

Program Structure

Didactic Experience

All global health track fellows will enroll in global health coursework through the asynchronous online course options at the University of Washington to gain fundamental knowledge related to global health. Fellows must complete at least 3 courses at their own pace DURING a 3-year fellowship program.

Some fellows may qualify to obtain a Master of Public Health in Global Health or other discipline.

Fellows attend quarterly 2-hour seminars organized by GH track leadership.  These are open to all fellows/faculty and required for GH track fellows in their 2nd and 3rd years.

Scholarly Work

Global health track fellows will complete a global health-related scholarly project.


All Global Health Track fellows will have at least one GH faculty member representative on their scholarship oversight committee formed in the second half of the first year of fellowship. In addition to biannual SOC meetings, fellows may participate in the following:

  • Global Health Collaborative events
  • UW Department of GH committees and working groups
  • Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care - Kenya training events
  • Additional local/regional/national/international working groups of interest

Funding Sources for Trainees


The Global Health Track is overseen by the pediatric global health fellowship leadership team:


Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Emily A Hartford, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor Faculty member, PECC Kenya

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Katie R. Nielsen, MD, MPH

Associate Professor Adjunct Associate Professor of Global Health

Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Infectious Disease

Indi Trehan, MD, MPH, DTM&H

Professor Adjunct Professor, Global Health Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Amelie von Saint Andre-von Arnim, MD

Associate Professor Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Global Health

Additional faculty mentors/advisors


Maneesh Batra, MD, MPH

Professor Adjunct Professor of Global Health


Anna Bruett Hedstrom, MD

Associate Professor Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Global Health Neonatal Medical Director, Wenatchee Valley Hospital Neonatal Medical Director, St. Joseph Bellingham Medical Center


Donna M. Denno, MD, MPH

Professor, Pediatrics Joint Professor, Department of Global Health Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Systems and Population Health Associate Director of Global WACh for Pediatrics


Laura Ellington, MD, MS

Assistant Professor Principal Investigator, Center for Respiratory Biology and Therapeutics Associate Director of Pediatric Pulmonary Fellowship


Lisa Force, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor

Neonatology, Infectious Disease

David Taylor Hendrixson, MD

Assistant Professor

Infectious Disease

Matthew P. Kronman, MD, MSCE

Professor Fellowship Program Director, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Medical Director of Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship and co-Director of Fellows’ College, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Emergency Medicine

Justin Moher, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor


Krystle Perez, MD, MPH

Associate Professor Associate Residency Director Adjunct Assistant Professor of Global Health Co-Lead Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia team at UW


Katherine Tarlock, MD

Assistant Professor


Gregory Charles Valentine, MD, MEd

Associate Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor in UW Mechanical Engineering, UW Oral Health Sciences, Baylor OBGYN

Critical Care

Shelton Wright, MD, MS

Assistant Professor

People seated around a conference room table.