The WRITE Program is an 18- to 22-week rural clinical medical training experience.

During the student's third year and prior to the WRITE experience, the student completes several areas of required courses, including three weeks of Pediatrics, the inpatient portion of your pediatrics training.

When the WRITE students start their on-site portion of the WRITE program, students report to their selected site where they complete their remaining third-year requirements, including the final three weeks of Pediatrics, the outpatient portion of the pediatric clerkship.

The requirements were presented to you during your inpatient pediatrics, any items that you have not completed will be required while you are at the WRITE site.

To see the Pediatrics requirements go to the "Pediatric Clerkship Core Materials" webpage.

The WRITE program guidelines for your reference is located on the "WRITE" website. This website lists all of the current WRITE training locations, including site descriptions, physician leadership and contact information, expectations and local healthcare facilities that you may interact with. It also includes housing, community activities and more for each site.