Genetic Medicine


The Division of Genetic Medicine is committed to providing an outstanding level of patient care, education and research. The faculty have diverse interests and are drawn from several disciplines including clinical genetics, molecular genetics, biochemical genetics, human embryology/teratology and neurology.

Clinical Programs

A large clinical program of medical genetics operates from Seattle Children’s Hospital staffed by faculty from the Division. These clinical activities concentrate on pediatric genetics but also encompass adult and fetal consultations. At Seattle Children's full IP consultations are available and general genetics clinics occur regularly. Consultative services are also provided to the University of Washington Medical Center and Swedish Hospital. In addition, a variety of interdisciplinary clinical services are provided at Children’s including cardiovascular genetics, skeletal dysplasia, neurofibromatosis, craniofacial genetics, gender disorders, neurogenetics and biochemical genetics as well as others. A very large regional genetics service sponsored by state Departments of Health are provided to multiple outreach clinical sites in both Alaska and Washington.

Research Programs

Our research holds the promise for both continued development of improved molecular diagnostic tools and successful treatment of inherited diseases. Research in the Division is highly patient-driven. It often begins with a physician identifying a particular patient’s problems and subsequently taking that problem into a laboratory setting for further analysis. The Division has a strong research focus with established research programs in medical genetics information systems, neurogenetic disorders, fetal alcohol syndrome, neuromuscular diseases, human teratology, population genetics/evolution and gene therapy.

Training Programs

The Division offers comprehensive training for medical students, residents, and postdoctoral fellows in any of the areas of our clinical and research programs relevant to medical genetics.
Medical Genetics Training Website

Division of Genetic Medicine Education Director

Margaret L.P. Adam, MD
Associate Professor

Division Chief

Michael J Bamshad, MD

Professor and Chief, Division of Genetic Medicine Allan and Phyllis Treuer Endowed Chair in Genetics and Development


Margaret L.P. Adam, MD

Professor Editor in Chief, GeneReviews

Kimberly Aldinger

Assistant Professor Co-Director, IDDRC Genetics Core

Michael J Bamshad, MD

Professor and Chief, Division of Genetic Medicine Allan and Phyllis Treuer Endowed Chair in Genetics and Development

Anita E. Beck, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

David R Beier, MD, PhD

Professor Director, Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine

James T. Bennett, MD, PhD

Associate Professor Assistant Director, Molecular Diagnostics, Seattle Children's Hospital

Timothy J Cherry, PhD

Assistant Professor

Jessica X. Chong, PhD

Associate Professor Co-Director, IDDRC Genetics Core

Katrina M Dipple, MD, PhD

Professor Medical Director, Clinical Genetics

Dan Doherty, MD, PhD

Professor Research Affiliate, Institute on Human Development and Disability

Jennifer Franks, PhD

Assistant Professor

Ian Glass, MD, MB ChB

Professor Director, Genetic Services, Clinical Genetics Director, Congenital Defects Lab

Sihoun Hahn, MD, PhD

Professor Director, Clinical Biochemical and Molecular Laboratory

Jennifer Hayek, MD

Assistant Professor

 Janie E. Heffernan - No picture available

Janie E. Heffernan


Anne Hing, MD


Alexandra Keefe, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Christina Lam, MD

Associate Professor, Division of Genetic Medicine Medical Director, Biochemical Genetics

Ghayda Mirzaa, MD

Associate Professor Co-Director, Northwest Clinical Genomics Laboratory

Beth Ogata - No picture available

Beth Ogata, MS, RD, CSP

Lecturer / Nutritionist

Alison Paquette

Assistant Professor

Emily Shelkowitz, MD

Assistant Professor

Angela Sun, MD

Associate Professor

Stephanie E. Wallace, MD

Clinical Professor

Tara L Wenger, MD, PhD

Associate Professor Associate Medical Director, Inpatient Genetic Services and Associate Program Director for Research, Scholarship and Pediatric Genetics, Pediatric Residency Program

Joon-Ho Yu, MPH, PhD

Research Assistant Professor


C. Ronald Scott, MD

Professor Emeritus


Tamara J. Bacus, BS

Research Scientist/Engineer

Kati J. Buckingham, BS

Research Manager - Bamshad Lab

Angela Christman - No picture available

Angela Christman

Research Scientist

 Mei Deng - No picture available

Mei Deng

Research Scientist/Engineer

 Miriam R. Espeseth - No picture available

Miriam R. Espeseth

Web Information Specialist

 Vicki A. Frasher - No picture available

Vicki A. Frasher

Patient Care Coordinator

Arianna E Gomez - No picture available

Arianna E Gomez

Pre Doc

 William W Gordon - No picture available

William W Gordon

Research Scientist/Engineer

Michaela Marie Krogen - No picture available

Michaela Marie Krogen

Research Scientist/Engineer

Colby T. Marvin - No picture available

Colby T. Marvin

Research Scientist/Engineer

Mari Obara Mazon - No picture available

Mari Obara Mazon

Research Dietitian

 Ian G Phelps - No picture available

Ian G Phelps, BS

Research Scientist/Engineer

 Kathryn Bofferding Shively - No picture available

Kathryn Bofferding Shively, BS

Research Scientist/Engineer

 Megan Zdancewic - No picture available

Megan Zdancewic

Research Coordinator

Jordan Zeiger - No picture available

Jordan Zeiger

Research Coordinator

Contact Information

Box 356320
1959 NE Pacific St.
Health Sciences, RR349
Seattle, WA 98195-6320