Congratulations Dr. Mollie Grow!

Dr. Mollie Grow Receives Husky Sustainability Award

The Husky Sustainability Awards recognize individuals and groups across all University of Washington campuses who lead the way for sustainability at the University of Washington. This is the 15th year awards have been given by the UW Environmental Stewardship Committee.

The Husky Sustainability Awards are given to students, faculty and staff from the Seattle, Bothell and Tacoma campuses who show impact, initiative, leadership and dedication around sustainability.

Dr. Grow has served as the lead mentor to a pediatric resident-led effort to create the Pediatricians for Climate Action initiative, which organized educational sessions, supported legislative advocacy for climate legislation through the Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and organized ecological restoration volunteer opportunities several times a year.

The UW team also conducted national research to demonstrate the ongoing need and interest among pediatric residents and program directors to create climate and health curricula, leading to publication in Academic Medicine. Recently she led a steering committee to propose and seek funding to create a standing committee for the Department of Pediatrics dedicated to climate change, which launched in September 2024 and has about 50 members. Dr. Grow chairs the committee, which has led to engagement with new initiatives, expanded involvement with UW and Seattle Children’s sustainability initiatives, research collaborations, and planning for additional partnerships.