Pocatello, Idaho

Pocatello, the Gate City of the Pacific Northwest, is situated in Southeastern Idaho alongPocatello the old Oregon Trail, bordering on the Snake River Plain. It is the 5th largest city in the state with a population of approximately 55,000 and is the transportation, distribution and industrial center of Idaho. Pocatello covers an area of 21.25 square miles and is 4,448 feet above sea level. Average rainfall is 12.47 inches annually. Average snowfall is 40.3 inches. Average temperature is 24.5º F in January and 71.9º F in July. Pocatello is ideally situated between Yellowstone National Park and Sun Valley. Within a 150-mile radius are outstanding attractions including Lava Hot Springs, Craters of the Moon National Monument, and Grand Teton National Park.

Pocatello Children's Clinic - The eleven pediatricians have nearly 100 years of combined experience and most have University of Washington Clinical Faculty appointments. The Children's Clinic is close to Portneuf Medical Center which is the only hospital in Pocatello. The hospital has additional areas such as a Cancer Treatment Center, Cardiovascular Center, NICU and Life Flight among others.

Pocatello has community and cultural events, plenty of recreations opportunities, historic sites and of course has all the usual bars and fast food places, plus many great local and chain restaurants. We are also home to Idaho State University, a Carnegie-classified doctoral research and teaching institution founded in 1901. ISU offers access to high-quality education in more than 250 programs. Over 12,000 students attend ISU, receiving education and training in those programs. Idaho State University is the state's designated lead institution in health professions.