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Seattle Children's Hospital
4800 Sandpoint Way NE, M/S M.A.7.226
Seattle WA 98105

206.987.4096 (phone)
206.987.3890 (fax)

Matthew P. Kronman, MD, MSCE

Infectious Disease
Associated with Fellowship(s)
Infectious Disease Fellowship
Professional Bio

Dr. Kronman’s primary research interest is antimicrobial stewardship, using the tools of pharmacoepidemiology to understand current patterns of antimicrobial use, identify the unintended consequences of antimicrobial overuse, and ultimately find ways to improve the overall quality of antimicrobial prescribing for various conditions. His clinical time is split between inpatient Infectious Diseases consultations and the outpatient Infectious Diseases Clinic. He works closely with Dr. Fatemi, Associate Fellowship Program Director, and Dr. Urdahl, the Fellowship Research Director and Training Grant Principal Investigator, to coordinate all aspects of research training for our fellows. Within the Division, he collaborates with Drs. Zerr, McGrath, Weissman, Fatemi and Konold on projects related to infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship. Outside the Division, he collaborates with researchers at other institutions on projects related to antimicrobial stewardship in both inpatient and outpatient settings.