UW Pediatrics Annual Celebration at the Burke Museum

A group picture of attendees during the 2024 UW Pediatrics Celebration!

Each year, we come together for a unique and memorable event that celebrates the department of Pediatrics. We celebrated together at the Burke Museum among the art and history of the Pacific Northwest. 

Attendees received UW Pediatrics swag, took fun photos at the photo booth, savored delicious food, enjoyed drinks, and explored the vast museum with their families, coworkers, and friends—a great chance to socialize and connect with the rest of the department.

Attendees socializing during the 2024 UW Pediatrics Celebration! 

Dr. Leslie Walker, Chair of the Department of Pediatrics, Associate Dean of the University of Washington, and the Chief Academic Officer of Seattle Children's Hospital, made closing remarks and thanked everyone for their hard work. 

"Our research, clinical work, training, education, and community work all meet the goals we are trying to [achieve]," said Dr. Walking. "It is so wonderful to see everyone here from every walk of the department...this is a wonderful moment, and I hope we continue to have this." 

Dr. Walker stated that we have the best department in the country - she attends gatherings of Chair's of Pediatrics across the nation, and therefore can confidently state that we are among the leading departments in the US, if not the top department. We are the best because of the stellar faculty, staff and trainees that we have supporting our mission and vision!