The Communications Team provides templates and tools to meet the varied needs of our department.
Providing a clear sense of organizational identity can be a challenge in a multilayered group like ours. We are a department within UW Medicine, within the University of Washington, and yet have team members deployed at various locations, including Seattle Children’s. In this way, much of our workforce resides between the UW and Seattle Children’s, and therefore follows dual brands. We provide general tools and guidance, understanding that our team has varying needs at different times.
As a general rule, when in doubt, use the UW Medicine templates and guidance.
Due to the complexities of our multilayer department brand, we have formal logos and informal logos that represent our department. We use these in different ways that varies based on purpose (see example here). Please see below for explanations of the two types. Contact us with any questions!
Formal Logo
This is our primary logo. and is a variation of the UW Medicine logo. As a department within the UW Medicine family of organizations, we align foremost with the UW Medicine brand. This logo represents us as a sub-brand to link our clinical, research, and educational endeavors with the UW Medicine umbrella brand.
Formal Use: Use this logo on all formal documents, such as documents, letters, forms, email, etc. This is our primary logo.
Informal Logo
This informal logo is our individual identity that we use in less formal places where the tie to UW Medicine is not as necessary or might be unclear. The color versions below are limited use when our unique relationship with Seattle Children’s creates a need for shared branding, such as a presentation delivered in a Seattle Children's setting.
Informal Use: Use this logo for informal uses such as social media, presentations, promotional items, and collateral. Note that all have a transparent background.
Division Logos
For informal use, we can create division logos as needed. These follow the style in the sample:

Other Logo Resources
Pediatrics Colors & Fonts
We align foremost with UW Medicine colors and fonts to create and energetic and welcoming personality. Due to our unique relationship with Seattle Children's, there are occasions where we might incorporate their colors on a limited basis.
CMYK: 93/100/18/21
RGB: 51/0/111
HEX: 4b2e83
UW Pediatrics Gold
CMYK: 0/18/63/19
RGB: 207/170/76
HEX: cfaa4c
Seattle Children's Blue
CMYK: 95/21/0/39
RGB: 8/123/155
HEX: 087b9b
Seattle Children's Gray
CMYK: 5/3/0/51
RGB: 118/120/124
HEX: 76787c
Seattle Children's Orange
CMYK: 0/45/66/9
RGB: 233/128/79
HEX: e9804f
Pediatrics Fonts
We follow the UW Medicine standard of using The Encode Sans Normal font family for headlines and titles, and The Open Sans font family for sub-headers and large bodies of text.
Use Calibri for PowerPoints, agendas, fact sheets and email signatures.
Read More
Pediatrics Photography
We strive to follow the UW Medicine Photography ideal -- photographs on our website should capture the warmth of humanity and the intimacy between our staff and the people we serve. Our photos should draw on real-world experiences. We aim to showcase inclusitivity and equality by representing diversity of ages, genders, and ethnicities. We avoid staged, dramatically retouched, or manipulated photos.

Read more about our photography branding and find the asset library at UW Medicine Photograph Resources.
Other UW Photography Resources
- Seattle Children’s Photography Resources (NOTE: not accessible to all.)
- UW Medicine Photograph Resources
- UW smug mug (E.g., )
Free Images
There are many free sources of stock images. Stock image choices should follow our same photography standards. They should not be staged, dramatically retouched, or manipulated. They should not be used as decoration only.
Check the licenses and terms of use to confirm that they are free to use, and whether they require specific crediting or attribution.
- Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash
- POC Specific: Nappy and WOC in tech
- NIH photo library (requires crediting)
- Google photo advanced search (From google, click Images->click "tools" and choose "usage rights" -> "Creative Commons licenses"
Email Signatures
Currently, you may use either a UW or Seattle Children’s email signature, though the preferred version for our department is UW Medicine as we align primarily with the University. For example:
More information can be found below.
- UW Medicine Signature details and templates (second line would read "UW Pediatrics")
- Seattle Children’s Email signature templates (For Department use "UW Pediatrics")
Letterhead & Envelopes
Branded envelopes can be ordered through UW Creative Communications.
Factsheets & Reports
Use the following templates to create a UW Pediatrics factsheet or report.
Other Templates
UW Pediatrics PowerPoint Presentations
UW Pediatrics consists of faculty, staff, and researchers deployed at multiple locations (each with its own brand) and with varying presentation needs. This multi-brand identity and multi-use scenario makes it impossible to meet all needs with a single PowerPoint template. Instead, we have provided two general use templates based on current versions from UW and Seattle Children’s, as well as links to additional presentation resources.
View the changelog for template version history.
UW Pediatrics currently uses a paid email management system to produce and manage our weekly digital newsletter. We are not currently set up to add Division newsletters to this system. If your Division is looking to add a newsletter, you can consider:
- Creating a PDF newsletter using UW Medicine templates.
- Creating a basic html email newsletter in Outlook. UW Medicine also provides html templates.
- Using an email automation system like MailChimp or ConstantContact. Note that these options may offer some free services, but advanced features cost money.
Header Images
Email header images can be helpful in promoting a specific event, program, or announcement. An email header image is embedded at the top of an email, followed by the content of the email. Example:
We can provide advice and guidance on creating an appropriate email header or template. You can find additional resources on the UW Medicine Email Templates and Communication brand guideline page.
Virtual Backgrounds
As virtual meetings have become more prominent, you may want a custom background to professionalize your remote location.
We have created several UW Pediatrics background options.
Additional Background Options
How to Use a Virtual Background
- Customizing your Zoom Room Background
- Customizing your Zoom Virtual Background
- Customizing your Webex Background
- Customizing your Microsoft Teams Meeting Background
- Customizing your Microsoft Teams Virtual Background
Be aware that the options we have provided here may not work for all systems or devices.