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William O. Walker, MD

Developmental Medicine
Associated with Fellowship(s)
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship
Professional Bio

Dr. Walker and the University of Washington are one of twenty-six sites now participating in a national Spina Bifida Registry project. Dr. Walker has ongoing research projects underway with the National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the issues surrounding bowel and bladder continence management in spina bifida including the evaluation over time of surgical and non-surgical intervention effects in this population. He has integrated the International Classification of Function (ICF) concepts of ability, activity and participation and the potential impact of differences in race and ethnicity into research questions concerning children with disabilities and their families. He has participated in research projects evaluating the role of assistive devices in promoting health and reducing the onset, severity and impact of secondary conditions in patients with spina bifida.