Clerkship Sites

Students do their core pediatrics rotation at one of twenty-six sites throughout the WWAMI region. Each site has unique features and provides students an opportunity to evaluate a wide variety of pediatric patients. All students complete the same core pediatric requirements and take an online examination at the end of the course. All required course materials and forms can be found on the Clinical Phase Page.

Below you will find a description of each site, including location, rotation structure and required credentialing. If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

IMPORTANT:  It is your responsibility to complete ALL credentialing at your training sites. Failure to do so will result in a delay in access to systems at the site and may lead to your needing to drop the rotation. Read carefully, respond in a timely manner and follow-up on deadlines. Ask questions if you are unsure!

Required Drug Testing – If your site requires drug testing, it is your responsibility to get the drug test through the SOM process. Check to confirm whether this applies to your site.

Letter of Good Standing – If your site instructions require a Letter of Good Standing, it will be placed in your E-Value portfolio. It is your responsibility to forward this per the credentialing instructions for your site. 

Background Release Authorization form – If your site requires a signature on a background release authorization form, you need to direct that form to and request a signature from an SOM representative. It is your responsibility to forward this per the credentialing instructions for your site. 

Compliance Documents -- There's information on how to access your compliance documents

Credentialing Fees -- If your site requires payment to register on a credentialing website, you can request reimbursement from at the end of your rotation.

Clerkship Sites




